
snow snow snow

ummm....it snowed.

I know you're probably more than aware of climate conditions beyond your front door. Don't get me wrong - I am too. It's just that I haven't run since Tuesday, and on Tuesday I'm pretty sure there was no snow.

Today? There is.

The sidewalks are slippery. The shoes that I own which prior to today's 'run', I would have referred to as trail shoes are now nothing more to me than a pair of skates. Skates, I tell you. Without the blades. But even without blades, these skates are still capable of gliding for several feet over a greasy surface, without any real effort from the individual wearing them. Don't ask me how I know this...

So I kept it short - about 2.5 miles. And I kept it pretty slow. Quite slow. In fact I'm not sure if what I did today would classify as 'running' insomuch as 'shuffling'. I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of a store front, and it wasn't exactly pretty.

But if it's one thing I learned today, it is that caution trumps vanity if we're talking about staying vertical when running in the snow.

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