
Was A Long Night

Went to bed last night with my normal "truckload" of sleeping meds inside of me. Knew within 20 minutes this was going to be night of not much sleep. Meds were not kicking in. Came back down and spent a couple of hours "snagging" a bit of Doo Wop. Hands up those of you who know what Doo Wop. Wow, that many! Anyway, back to bed at 1:00 and up 2 hours later. That's it, a whopping 2 hours of sleep.Night before was almost as bad. Change in weather pattern has a definite impact on my "T." Now I be extremely tired too and that just compounds the "T." Level of activity, give it a 9.5 out of 10. Yikes!

Gonna be a long day!

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