
brief interlude from intended subject matter...

[following is a conversation which I overheard between my two children this evening. I find it incredibly amusing. You may not, but you're also not the one with writer's block. So, the 'setting' is this: Connor is in the living room, watching television, and Carsyn is at the dining room table, colouring.]

Connor (12 year old): Sandlot Two is coming on.

Carsyn (6 year old): Wha...? Santa Claus?

Connor: No, Sandlot Two.

Carsyn: Oh, Santa Claus Two?

Connor: No. Sand. Lot. Two.

Carsyn: Pardon?

Connor: Sand Lot Two

Carsyn: Par-din? [like, now she's pissed at HIM]


Carsyn: Oh!! Sandlot Two. What about it?

Connor: siiiiiggggghhhh

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