
Just Wondering

Morning everyone! Have a quick question for you all. How many of you sat down and had a nice quiet breakfast this morning? Me, I can't recall what quiet is anymore. Just a very distant memory now.

Kind of a lousy weekend here, missed my granddaughter's birthday party and will miss my grandson's Basketball game a bit later this morning. He's good too!

Why do I miss these oh so important events in the lives of my loved ones? Answer is short but not sweet. Simply put, activities of this nature bring out the worst in "T." So, am left little choice. "Defence mechanism" kicks in and tells me, "No way, you can't handle that!" And that's that! Game over!

Score..."T" 14753 give or take.
Score..Me 0

"Happy Birthday Carsyn"

"Have a great game, Connor"

"Much Love, Opa"

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